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Social Media Post Ideas and Examples to Fill Your Calendar

Writer: Marketing BranchMarketing Branch

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

We have all been there scratching our heads, wondering what on earth to post on our social media pages, so your followers can see your business and want to buy from you, which is the ultimate goal.

We know the various social media platforms work, to connect with various demographic customers to relay who you are and what you do. But no one told you how time consuming and frustrating it is come up with good, effective content.

Creating your social media is no different to anything else you plan. Being organised by scheduling your posts in advance will take the pressure off, as well as giving your social marketing some direction. Having to think of posts daily, shooting from the hip is a tough call. Especially if you are wanting to create Stories as well.

And we haven't even spoken about the visual element. Having a file of images and videos you can use and keep updating regularly. Mixed with professional images of your products, images of behind the scenes, videos of your services, staff members etc.

Well we thought we could help, while you're preparing for the New Year, setting new goals, reflecting on 2020 (whilst are head is in our hands). We have created 31 days of social media post ideas to get you going. It will help you think of not only the content text to create, but also the image that you could put with it. Download our FREE content calendar and start listing out your messages and scheduling them in advance, to take the pressure off. There are plenty of social media scheduling tools available. from Hootsuite, Later, AgoraPulse, or use Facebook Business Suite.

Like any marketing, the more you plan ahead and have structure, in terms of product offerings, areas to expand campaigns you create, you will be able to monitor areas of your business that have growth and worth investing in. You can monitor and adjust your offering and marketing efforts to get the best results and ROI.

Have you checked out our other ways to get the most out of your social media platforms?

We have another download for you How to find your social media target audience? This is a great tool to note down who you should be targeting your messaging.

We also offer 1-2 Social Media Training to get the best out of your social platforms and posting. As well as Social Media Management.

Check out how to claim your FREE Social Media Post Ideas and Examples.

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